
4 popular vitamin D testers gave very different results (no surprise) – June 2021

Comparison of four routinely used vitamin D automated immunoassays

J Med Biochem . 2021 Jun 5;40(3):277-285. doi: 10.5937/jomb0-27531.
Jindra Windrichova 1, Pavel Broz 1, Radka Fuchsova 2, Ondrej Topolcan 1, Ladislav Pecen 1, Otto Mayer 3, Radek Kucera 1
1 University Hospital Pilsen, Department of Immunochemistry Diagnostics, Czech Republic.
2 University Hospital Pilsen, Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology, Czech Republic.
3 University Hospital Pilsen, Second Internal Clinic, Czech Republic.


This study measured the Vitamin D level from 100 blood samples on 4 different testers

Opinion: Due to both accuracy and repeatability variations a Vitamin D test should never be trusted to be within 5 ng

Tests for Vitamin D contains the following overview/opinion

Note: For many years there has been an attempt at standardizing Vitamin D measurments used for research
It appears that most hospitals/testing facilities are not "standardized"

 Download the Standarization PDF from VitaminDWiki

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Background: To compare four automated immunoassays for the measurement of 25(OH)-vitamin D (25-OHD) and to assess the impact on the results obtained from a healthy population.

Methods: We analysed 100 serum samples on Unicel DxI 800 (Beckman Coulter), Architect i1000 (Abbott), Cobas e411 (Roche) and Liaison XL (DiaSorin). Passing-Bablok regression and Bland-Altman plots were used for method comparison. In order to categorise the obtained values, results were categorised into the following groups: 0-25 nmol/L, 25-50 nmol/L, 50-75 nmol/L and above 75 nmol/L and compared. The percentage of samples below 75 nmol/L, and below 50 nmol/L was then calculated for every method.

Results: According to paired comparisons, each method differs from others (p<0.0001) except Cobas vs Architect, which do not show a statistically significant difference (p=0.39). The strongest correlation was found between Liaison and Architect (ρ=0.94, p<0.0001).
The percentage of samples below the recommended value of 75 nmol/L were:

70% Architect
92% Liaison
89% Unicel

The percentage of samples below the value of 50 nmol/L were:

17% (Architect)
55% (Liaison),
28% (Cobas)
47% (Unicel).

Conclusions: The observed differences stem from the use of different analytical systems for 25-OHD concentration analysis and can result in different outcomes. The recommended values should be established for each assay in accorda

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15838 DEQUAS.jpg admin 29 Jun, 2021 40.24 Kb 342
15837 25OHD_Std_Guidelines_Paralysis_PHN2020.pdf admin 29 Jun, 2021 1.06 Mb 354
15830 4 testers.jpg admin 28 Jun, 2021 44.66 Kb 462
15829 1452-82582103277W.pdf admin 28 Jun, 2021 296.90 Kb 407